Importance of using fertilizers for apples
It is impossible to achieve high productivity in fruit plantations without using a balanced fertilizer system. Unlike field crops, where competent crop rotation can sometimes solve up to half of the problems associated with nutrient removal, fruit crops are peculiar. They are grown in one place for a long time and constantly remove the same nutrients from the soil.
Therefore, when calculating the fertilizer rate, it is vital to consider the provision of ground nutrients, their need, and the nature of apply by specific varieties of fruit trees. The apple tree liquid fertilizer must simultaneously guarantee high yields of fruit crops with good product quality, a positive balance of the main indicators of soil fertility, and be economically justified. Such a system must create optimal states for using macronutrients and biologically active substances in the nutrition system of fruit trees, which will help.
Method of application
Plants can absorb nutrients via seeds, leaves, and stems. Based on this application approach, Fervita plant feeding can be carried out in two ways:
Our products
The most critical microelements for high-quality cultivation of apples and pears are boron, zinc, calcium, magnesium, and iron. If trees are deficient in these elements, even in the absence of visible symptoms, the harvest and grade of the fruit will be low.
- Zinc and boron are essential for flowering and formation;
- Сalcium - for growth, rate, and preservation of the crop;
- Magnesium, manganese, and iron - for the tree's general healthiness and the quality of the leaves.
Fervita specialists have prepared a series of microelement fertilizers for the garden. The best liquid fertilizer for apple trees provides all the elements for balanced nutrition and ensures a high-quality and high yield.
Why should you choose our company?
We recommend buying organic fertilizers for fruit trees and shrubs in our specialized online store for agricultural use. We sell single- and multi-component products for fruit crops, and the price is completely affordable for an agricultural enterprise of any scale.