vegetable garden fertilizer


Sunflower is one of the most vital crops in the food industry, and seeds and processed products are in demand. It is difficult to imagine cooking any dish without sun flower oil. Therefore, the need for seeds remains consistently high. A good harvest requires the use of sunflower fertilizer. Applying it before plowing and sowing seeds is the key to success and a large harvest. However, not everything is so simple, and experienced farmers know that sunflowers have their characteristics and differ from other crops, so they should be fertilized specially.

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Features of sunflower cultivation

When fertilizing land plots and fields intended for planting sunflowers, the next matters must be considered: the type and its composition, the time when to fertilize, how and in what quantities to apply the product, and the manufacturer.

Our Fervita online store sells sunflower fertilizer 10-10-10, which allows farmers to select the appropriate preparations to supply crops with a complex of nutrients for full development.

Microfertilizers for sunflowers

Let's list the most significant of them:

  • Magnesium is a key element in nitrogen and phosphorus metabolism. It is also the central atom of the chlorophyll molecule, so magnesium deficiency always leads to problems with photosynthesis.
  • Manganese. Another element on which the building of chlorophyll depends. Accordingly, it is localized mostly in chloroplasts. It even regulates phosphorus and calcium metabolism. Manganese deficiency leads to weakened growth, problems with turgor, and increased leaf fragility.
  • Iron. All enzymatic systems of plants depend on it. It is also a key element in many energy and respiratory processes. Photosynthesis without iron is impossible.
  • Zinc. It is required in relatively small quantities but is vital. It is also irreplaceable in enzymatic reactions. And it increases heat and drought resistance. It also hosts many carbohydrate and protein metabolism processes and the formation of phytohormones and chlorophyll.

Recommendations for the usage

To achieve maximum yields, the next recommendations for fertilization should be followed:

  1. Determine the demand for fertilizers based on soil analysis and the planned outcome;
  2. Use organic fertilizer in the fall to improve the soil structure and saturate it with nutrients; 
  3. Conduct the main application during fall or spring pre-sowing soil raising;
  4. Use nitrogen plant food in the phase of 3-4 pairs of leaves and at the beginning of budding to stimulate plant development and maturation;
  5. Conduct foliar fertilization with microelements in case of signs of deficiency or for prevention;
  6. Mind the manufacturers' recommendations on application rates and timing to avoid overdose or plant stress.

Proper use of the best sunflower fertilizer is one key aspect in successfully cultivating this crop and obtaining high yields. Our website offers farmers high-quality sunflower grains, consultations on agricultural technology, and the selection of optimal products for their farms.


Proper usage when sowing sunflower is critical to ensuring high yields and plant stability. By considering sunflower's needs for macro- and microelements, farmers can create optimal plant development requirements, ultimately leading to a high-quality harvest.