vegetable garden fertilizer


Ripe raspberries, which have an exceptional taste and are undoubtedly beneficial for health, are collected in the middle of summer by numerous owners of a garden and summer cottages. Having broken up even a small plantation of berry crops on your personal plot, you can provide your family with aromatic fruits for the whole year by freezing them, grinding them with sugar, or cooking delicious jam. 

Bushes with a branched root system remove a lot of nutrients from the soil during the season, spending them on the formation of ovaries and filling of fruits. Therefore, fertilizing the berry bush with organic and mineral products is vital. If you neglect to feed the crop, the fruits become small, significantly reducing their number.

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What fertilizer to feed raspberries with?

Raspberries need feeding throughout the season. Raspberries are fertilized in early spring, summer, and autumn. Before flowering, during flowering, during fruiting, and even in winter after fruiting. They are also fed when planting seedlings.

Liquid fertilizer for raspberry nourishes them, allowing them to replenish the lack of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K) and other microelements, each of which has a certain effect on the condition of the plant. 

What to do if raspberries have a lack of nutrients

A lack of nutrients can be determined by slow growth and the condition of the leaves.

  • The leaves are small, light green, or yellowish - there is not enough nitrogen, so fertilizing with nitrogen-containing fertilizers is necessary. 
  • The leaves have become small, have turned brown at the edges, or are warped - it is necessary to apply potassium fertilizers. Otherwise, the raspberry risks not surviving the winter. 
  • The shoots are thin and fragile; the leaves in their middle part turn red and die - a lack of phosphorus, which is involved in the supply of energy to plants, promotes the development of the root system, flowering, and an increase in the number of berries.
  • Adult leaves turn yellow from the center to the edges and fall off - a lack of magnesium accelerates photosynthesis due to increased plant chlorophyll. Raspberry liquid fertilizer containing it is best applied in the fall.

Where to buy?

You can buy raspberry fertilizer in our online store, Fervita. If you need competent advice, you need to select a product for feeding berries, taking into account the area where your plantation is laid—call us at the number indicated in the contacts. Our specialist will tell you what fertilizer to feed remontant raspberries and what fertilizer is needed for raspberries in August, June, or when planting. 

Contact us! We have a large assortment of fertilizers. You will certainly achieve high yields by purchasing the best liquid fertilizer for raspberry from Fervita and following the nutrition program!

Our products

  1. Beginning of growth.  Fervita 5-20-5  
  2. Breaking bud.   Fervita 9-18-9, Vita Boron, Vita Zinc
  3. Fruit set.  Fervita 3-18-18
  4. Fruit growth.    Fervita 0-0-25
  5. Pre – Harvest.   Fervita 10-10-10