vegetable garden fertilizer


Modern technologies in agriculture are inseparable from high-tech systems of feeding crops. Moreover, the greater the growth of vegetative mass, the more complex and responsible the fertilizing process. Corn stands apart in this regard. To get a decent harvest, you need to choose the right sowing time, carry out appropriate soil cultivation, and plan the application of fertilizers.

If we are talking about modern nutrition technologies, our focus should certainly be on liquid fertilizer for corn. Fervita has long been a fan of this form of fertilizing. Its advantages and pleasant features have long been studied and confirmed experimentally, and our specialists have paid a lot of attention to such products.

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Why is it necessary to feed corn

Organic fertilizers are necessary to obtain a high yield of corn. Since the growing season of this crop is long, corn uses nutrients more fully than other grains.

The correct use of fertilizers increases yield and also improves grain quality. The need for this crop in basic fertilizers depends on the quality of the soil, agricultural technology, and varieties and hybrids of the cultivated crop. Therefore, the norms of nutrients may differ in different areas.

Liquid fertilizers benefits

Organic fertilizers can be applied as foliar feeding by spraying. The advantage of such feeding is that they are used depending on the quality of plant growth and development.

When applying liquid nitrogen fertilizer for corn as foliar feeding, the growth phases of plants during which such products will be most effective must be taken into account.

They are necessary for: regulating plant growth, correcting the deficiency of nutrients for the crop, as a biostimulator of flowering and fruiting, correcting the mineral nutrition of plants.

Liquid fertilizer is best for corn since it is possible to adjust plant nutrition based on the condition of the crop. Foliar feeding is the only way to apply during a drought.

When and how to use our products

  • Sowing (in-furrow). Fervita  5-20-5. Apply 1 – 3 gal/ac once at planting.  
  • Till 5th leave. Fervita 9-18-9. Use 4 -10 gal/ac every 4 – 6 weeks.
  • Flowering and formation of corn. Fervita 0-0-25. Ue 1 – 2 gal/ac every 7 – 10 days.
  • Poured grains. Fervita 9-18-9. 1 - 4 gal/ac 1 – 2 times

About the company

The Fervita enterprise provides a variety of goods from the warehouse, and orders are sent quickly and efficiently.

Why you should buy from us:

  1. we offer the consumer to buy liquid corn fertilizer in the largest selection;
  2. we guarantee the quality of all goods;
  3. we process the order quickly and efficiently;
  4. we deliver quickly;
  5. we provide a convenient payment system for the customer and a high level of service.

Our approach to work and affordable product prices attracts many customers, so we sell many product units.